[Drawing of two speech bubbles that say “What are we doing during COVID-19?” surrounded be drawings of a hand holding a phone with a smiling person, a poster for a dance event with a banner that says POSTPONED over it, the VENMO logo surrounded by d…

[Drawing of two speech bubbles that say “What are we doing during COVID-19?” surrounded be drawings of a hand holding a phone with a smiling person, a poster for a dance event with a banner that says POSTPONED over it, the VENMO logo surrounded by dollar signs, a face mask, sudsy soap, a bag of groceries in front of a closed door, the flattening the curve graphic, and a few decorative branches with leaves on it.]

[Drawing of a picture frame with a sunrise and clouds that says “Understanding the Big Picture” surrounded by a circle that says ableism —> dismissing COVID-19 because it has the largest impact on elders & those with pre-existing conditions (…

[Drawing of a picture frame with a sunrise and clouds that says “Understanding the Big Picture” surrounded by a circle that says ableism —> dismissing COVID-19 because it has the largest impact on elders & those with pre-existing conditions (i.e. not YOU), shows who you think is disposable —> we need to center (drawing of arrows pointing towards each other) elders & disabled folks in how we respond to COVID-19 —> Drawing of a laptop with text: the quickness to respond to COVID-19 with accessible & remote work, education, & events when disabled & chronically ill people have been denied access to these things in the past HIGHLIGHTS how ableism operates. / circle that says capitalism —> Coronavirus highlights (again) how our capitalist system hurts people —> capitalism already killed people before COVID-19 —> “Everyone’s a Socialist in a Pandemic” by Farhad Manjoo NYT 2020 —> Box with paper sticking out of it that says WE NEED: universal healthcare, paid sick leave, debt relief & not just for/during coronavirus / circle that says racism & xenophobia —> (drawing of a newspaper that reads “Wuhan Virus”) Anti-Asian racism has spread with coronavirus. Chinese businesses have suffered and violent attacks have increased. —> Historically, viral outbreaks & xenophobia have gone hand-in-hand —> from yellow fever to SARS to Ebola —> “The State has a long history and present of using quarantine & pandemic as a means of harming & controlling people” - Maryse Mitchell-Brody

[Drawing of a circle that says “Sharing Resources + Mutual Aid” surrounded by a drawing of toilet paper with text that reads “Stockpiling & Hoarding resources will not save you, but will harm people who can’t afford or are unable to buy food, me…

[Drawing of a circle that says “Sharing Resources + Mutual Aid” surrounded by a drawing of toilet paper with text that reads “Stockpiling & Hoarding resources will not save you, but will harm people who can’t afford or are unable to buy food, meds, toiletries all at once. —> And reselling?!?! that’s trash” (drawing of a trash can); Drawing of Venmo logo surrounded by dollar signs with text that reads “Check-in with people in your community - your people without paid sick leave, freelancers, artists/musicians/writers who have lost jobs & gigs, etc.; Drawing of circles surrounding each other with text that reads “Pod Mapping —> adapted from Mia Mingus & the BATJC by Rebel Sidney Black —> A Concrete way to connect & plan with your people; a drawing of a baby bottle next to texts that reads “Childcare! Support the parents & caregivers in your community, esp. single parents, parents without leave, etc.; A drawing of a car with text that reads “Pickup groceries or prescriptions for immunocompromised family, friends, neighbors, & people in your community.”]

[Drawing of a smart phone with text that reads “Staying Connected even with Distance” —> drawing of a letter in an envelope with text “Become a pen pal with a person who is incarcerated” —> drawing of a stack of cash with text “Give money to a…

[Drawing of a smart phone with text that reads “Staying Connected even with Distance” —> drawing of a letter in an envelope with text “Become a pen pal with a person who is incarcerated” —> drawing of a stack of cash with text “Give money to a bail fund, an abortion fund, a sex worker giving circle. —> Drawing of headphones with text “share resources (articles, poems, podcasts) with your networks. —> Drawing of poster for a dance event with a banner that says POSTPONED over it with text “Cancel or postpone events, conferences, & meetings —> drawing of a multi-person video chat on a tablet with a speech bubble that says “hey y’all” and text that reads “OR! Hold them online when possible” —> drawing a hand holding a phone with a smiling person with text that reads “Call a friend, an elder, folks in your pod!”]

[Drawing of a pillow with text that says “Taking a Break” —> drawing of a puppy surrounded by hearts and text that reads “boop your dog’s nose” —> drawing of a bowl of chicken and dumplings with a spoon and text that reads “cook a meal” —> …

[Drawing of a pillow with text that says “Taking a Break” —> drawing of a puppy surrounded by hearts and text that reads “boop your dog’s nose” —> drawing of a bowl of chicken and dumplings with a spoon and text that reads “cook a meal” —> drawing of a book with text that reads “read a novel” —> drawing of a piece of paper with the words “doodle,” an upside down smiley face, a flower, and a doodle" “s” next to a drawing of a pencil —> drawing of a person moving surrounded by music notes with text that reads “dance in your living room” —> drawing of the Twitter logo with text bubbles that read “…” and “Stop scrolling”]


I am so grateful for all the organizers, writers, social workers, and artists who have already created and written so many important articles on COVID-19 and how we can respond with a social and healing justice lens. Here are some of the resources that helped me in my thinking. Many of these resources have additional links that I recommend checking out as well.

  • “Coronavirus: Wisdom from a Social Justice Lens” episode of the Healing Justice Podcast (link)

  • Caring Across Distance: Some Things to Consider Before Movement Gatherings During COVID-19 by Maryse Mitchell-Brody (link)  

  • “Everyone’s a Socialist in a A Pandemic” by Farhad Manjoo (link)

  • “How a Chinese Immigrant Neighborhood is Struggling amid coronavirus-related xenophobia” by Rachel Ramirez (link)

  • “How to Take Action without Leaving the House” by Mad Trans Dreams (link)

  • “Please Stop Treating Me Like I’m Disposable When You Talk About The Coronavirus” by Zipporah Arielle (link)

  • “Pod Mapping for Mutual Aid” by Rebel Sidney Black (link)

  • “When Xenophobia Spreads Like a Virus” by NPR’s CodeSwitch Podcast (link)